Available Light

Between 2016 and 2019, I ran a podcast exploring the history, culture, and madness of photography. The episodes are archived here.

  1. Introduction

  2. The Banality of Color Why looking at the past in color is such an uncanny experience. Read / Listen

  3. New Vision: Photographic lessons from the radical, 1920s approach to art. Read / Listen

  4. The Fourth Dimension: What the Decisive Moment means for originality. Read / Listen

  5. Anterior Future: The story of Tina Modotti’s remarkable life—starting with a picture. Read / Listen

  6. Hyperreality: We like to say that the camera doesn’t lie. But the reality it shows isn’t quite real either. Read / Listen

  7. Introspection: Why a Chilean photographer quit fame in pursuit of mysticism and solitude. Read / Listen

  8. Photopoetry: Mexican photographer Manuel Álvarez Bravo captured something that cannot be seen. Read / Listen

  9. Historical Distance: Vitas Luckus was too revolutionary a photographer to be accepted. But his is no ordinary rebel’s story. Read / Listen

  10. 9 Identity: Gerda Taro didn’t just help invent one of the world’s most famous photographers. Briefly, she was him. Read / Listen

  11. Presence (feat. Anders Petersen): A conversation with Anders Peterson about the magic of being there. Read / Listen

Imprint   Hand-made since 2002